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Kids Summer Camp


The Easton Racquet Club Kids Summer Camp is designed to teach racquet skills and keep your child active throughout the summer. Daily activities include tennis, paddle and pickleball instruction by certified professionals and advanced level high school and college players, including swimming and other fun activities.

Our amazing staff will provide the best possible care, coaching and proper supervision to your children, while they interact and make new friends through various activities.

The Easton Racquet Club is located on Wimbledon Lane in Easton, CT. Our recently expanded Club features: 6 Hard-Tru Tennis Courts, 4 Platform Tennis Courts & 4 Pickleball Courts and a heated oversized pool.  

Camp weeks: June 23 thru August 01 (no camp July 4th, cost will be adjusted for that week)

  • Open to: Boys and Girls ages 5 through 12 yrs.
  • Hours: 9am through 3:30pm 
  • Bring your own lunch, refrigeration is provided
  • The Club will provide some snacks, but you are welcome to bring your own.
  • Water will be available during the day

To Access Registration forms please click here

For questions or more information about the Kids Summer Camp please contact Jen Rosenberg or Marcela Rodezno